Fashion Learning Resources

Sustainable thinking for the future

Featured Courses

UN Sustainable Development Goals

4 star

Overview as to what the UN SDGs are and why they’re important

Paris agreement simplified

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Everything you need to know about Paris agreement

The Ocean Cleanup Technology

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In this video we explain how Ocean Cleanup system works

UN Sustainable Development Goals

4 star

Overview as to what the UN SDGs are and why they’re important

Paris agreement simplified

4 star

Everything you need to know about Paris agreement

The Ocean Cleanup Technology

4 star

In this video we explain how Ocean Cleanup system works

The Paris Climate Change Agreement Explained

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Explaining the historic Paris Climate Change deal and what it means for the world

UN Sustainable Development Summit

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In 2015, 193 United Nations member countries adopted a new sustainable development agenda

Do you know all 17 SDGs?

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Know in short about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Cleaning Oceans

4 star

This video is of first plastic catch in 2019

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